I'm a self-driven front-end developer, who loves to document on things I learn in Tech.
Components React components are normal Javascript functions that can stand alone, return HTML, and be reused across your code. There are two types of...
The simple way! · Imagine signing into Twitter and getting a blank page. After several refreshes, the blank page doesn't go away. This can be so annoying...
Ways I solve problems as a self-taught developer. · A few months ago, I was building a FAQ page that got me exhausted as I could not find an easy way to...
Using the for-loop method with addEventListener "click" to create a drop-down · For loop method A few months ago, I had issues solving this " Front-end...
An Introduction to APIs · APIs Do you sometimes wonder how your phone gets the weather for today or how the time on your laptop updates every time you...
The extends Keyword · The extends keyword is used in class declarations and expressions to create a class that acts as a child of another class. class x...